Alle Beiträge von buchaktion

Aktuelles von Kwa Moyo


Liebe Patinnen und Paten, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde von Kwa Moyo,

in der Hoffnung, dass es euch / Ihnen allen gut geht, melden wir uns heute, um ein neuerliches Update zu geben.

Zwar dürfen wir die Schule bald wieder öffnen, damit zumindest die Kinder der vierten und fünften Grundschulklassen den Unterricht aufnehmen können, doch der Großteil muss noch etwas zu Hause bleiben. Die Regenzeit hat begonnen und die Familien sind mit dem Pflanzen beschäftigt.
Die Ernährungssituation ist in vielen Familien schwierig, da die Vorräte… weiter




The report gives the details of what transpired in the month of February.

Activities undertaken

Assessment and validation of groups We assessed the new members and validated the documents of the different groups and a good number of the groups were fit to be given loans. During this time, we were also able to answer a number of questions a case in point the need for more groups… weiter

Unsere guten Wünsche – Our good wishes

Wir wünschen allen unseren Spendern, Helfern, Unterstützern, unserer unermüdlichen Mikrokreditmitarbeiterin Pauline mit ihrem Team, dem Kwa-Moyo-Team in Deutschland und Uganda und den Mitarbeiterinnen und Schülerinnen der Kwa Moyo Schule ein ruhiges und entspanntes Weihnachtsfest sowie ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2021.

We wish all our donors, helpers, supporters, our tireless microcredit worker Pauline with her team, the Kwa Moyo team in Germany and Uganda and the staff and students of Kwa Moyo School a peaceful and relaxed Christmas and a successful 2021.


Es ist geschafft, wir haben nun auch eine gemeinnützige Gesellschaft in Uganda gegründet. PAUTHO und Buch-Aktion werden sich künftig gut ergänzen, um so noch mehreren Menschen im Mbale-District zu helfen und sie besser unterstützen zu können.

Pauline, unsere Mikrofinanz Managerin, ist die Direktorin von PAUTHO und lenkt vertrauensvoll alle Geschäfte vor Ort.


Seit Montag, dem 23.03. ist unsere Projektleiterin Pauline bis auf Weiteres „beurlaubt“. Da sich der Coronavirus auch in Uganda ausbreitet, müssen wir unsere Mitarbeiterin vor einer Infektion schützen. Selbstverständlich erhält sie weiterhin ihre Zahlungen von Buch-Aktion! Einen kleinen Teil ihrer Arbeit kann sie auch per Internet von zuhause aus erledigen.

Since Monday, 23.03. our project manager Pauline is „on leave“ until further notice. Since the coronavirus is also spreading in Uganda, we have to protect our employee from an infection. Of course she will continue to receive her payments from Buch-Aktion! She can also do a small part of her work from home via internet.

Corona in Uganda

Leider ist Corona auch in Uganda ein Thema. Deshalb ist „unsere“ Schule seit Freitag, 20.03.2020, 13.00 Uhr für 30 Tage vorsorglich geschlossen.

Präsident Museveni hatte angeordnet, dass alle Schulen, Kindergärten und andere Einrichtungen geschlossen werden müssen. Dies gilt auch für religiöse Versammlungen und Kongresse. Hier den Link zum Nachlesen.

Unfortunately, Corona is also an issue in Uganda. Therefore „our“ school is closed since Friday, 20.03.2020, 13.00 o’clock for 30 days as a precaution.

President Museveni had ordered that all schools, kindergartens and other facilities must be closed. This also applies to religious gatherings and congresses. Here is the link to read up.

Ugandatrip February 2020

Microcredit project

On Friday, 07.02.2020, shortly after lunchtime, the information event about the microcredit project will take place. We sit in the sunshine and pleasant warmth in the shade of the huge roof of the new multifunctional hall. The children are at the playground equipment or watching the soccer game of the youngsters, which takes place next to the hall. All footballers are equipped with jerseys and football shoes, which Uli collected in Germany and brought for „our“ youngsters and children.

So we have time and opportunity to be informed about the ongoing microcredit project.

The project manager Pauline provides detailed and very competent information to the German team, including Niklas, Uli and Thomas, who are also representatives of the association „Buch-Aktion e. V. – Helfen mit Bücherspenden“ (Book Campaign), which, among other things, financially supports this project and Pauline’s personnel costs.

In addition to the Ugandan team, there are well over 50 women present who have already received a microcredit and have thus already been able to benefit from the project. Several women speak out and say thank you or talk about how life in their families is noticeably improving and how they finally have a perspective!

As a first basis for the microcredit budget 1.000 € were planned for 2018. In 2019 the budget was increased by another 2,000 €. Of this, 500 € were earmarked for the purchase of 2 sewing machines. A new digital camera was purchased for documentation and in early 2020 a new, larger laptop was purchased for Pauline.

As a result, the microcredit project, which started in late spring 2018, is very successful.

More than 100 women have since received a microcredit, and more are in the starting blocks.

Many loans were paid back within a very short time and quite a few women would like to have a second or third loan to expand their small „startup“.

The microloans disbursed are used as follows – among others for:

  • Production and sale of cornmeal
  • Development of a small pig farm
  • Cultivation of and trade in vegetables, e.g. bananas, pineapples, potatoes
  • Brewing and selling beer
  • Financing a training course
  • Production and sale of charcoal
  • Trade in milk and coffee beans
  • Chicken breeding, goat breeding

With this result, our expectations were confirmed and in some cases even exceeded. Thomas give a short speech, which will be translated into English by Chris and into the local language by Pauline. For questions from the circle of women the same applies the other way round. This is integration in action!

Finally, Pauline is to be praised for her excellent mastery of the project and for her first-class training and support of the „micro-credit women“.

We are looking forward to continuing our very good cooperation with her!

Since our employees keep asking for a loan from the microcredit budget, we think together with Pauline about how we can help them. There must be another solution, after all, all employees have an income. We then agree to set up a separate budget for the employees, which must not be mixed up with the general microcredit budget. And Buch-Aktion will provide 500 € for this purpose for the time being.

Slowly the hall is filling up, the soccer game is over and the preparations for our farewell party begin. Unfortunately it is time to say goodbye again! But for the three from Buch-Aktion it is only a farewell for a while!