October Report 2023



This report contains the general activities that took place in the month of October 2023.

Evaluation of the projects

Lending has been put on hold for a while as loan repayments are currently slow. Many members continue to run their projects that help them earn a small income to sustain their lives. The monitoring of the projects will be done when we collect the repayments from the members. They need more soft loans… weiter

Unsere guten Wünsche – Our good wishes

Wir wünschen allen unseren Spendern, Helfern, Unterstützern, unseren unermüdlichen Mikrokreditmitarbeitern, dem Kwa-Moyo-Team in Deutschland und Uganda und den Mitarbeiterinnen und Schülerinnen der Kwa Moyo Schule ein ruhiges und entspanntes Weihnachtsfest sowie ein gesundes und erfolgreiches Jahr 2024.

We wish all our donors, helpers, supporters, our tireless microcredit workers, the Kwa Moyo team in Germany and Uganda and the staff and students of Kwa Moyo School a peaceful and relaxed Christmas and a healthy and successful year 2024.

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